Thursday, April 12, 2012

A New Year and some new targets

Remember me? Of course not, that's because I don't update this blog nearly often enough! Well 2011 came and went, my first year of geocaching I got a pretty decent 265 finds. I'm going for 500 this year for a total of 765. I'm also hoping to do the Chiltern 100 later in the year and several decent finds that will be worth talking about. I've so far found 89 caches this year which sounds pretty good but it's not. I really need to get my finger out if I'm going to meet that target. Picking up where I was in my last post I finished the Chiltern Three Peaks Challenge it was really worthwhile and I'm going to do it again this year. I'm also going to be doing a bush crafting course with my son and doing a fair bit of camping. I will be attending the Geolympix in Oxford and will be camping at the place mentioned on the geolympix website (can't wait). So anyway, it's good to be back I'll try and post little and often this year so it's less of a burden. You can also follow me on Twitter should the automated feed from actually work.