Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What's in your bag

Having mentioned my cachers kit I thought I would tell you what's in mine. I'll leave it up to your own imagination what I might use these for not all of it comes with me everytime.

1. Gardening gloves
2. OS Map in a map case
3. Penknife
4. Torch
5. Compact Mirror
6. Notebook with several pens and pencils
7. Geocacher Stamp from here

8. Waterproof coat
9. Lightweight Long Sleeved jumper and tracksuit leggings for unexpected severe nettles
10. Several big paperclips
11. Wet wipes
12. Plastic bags of all sizes
13. Walking poles
14. Drinks bottle
15. HTC Desire in a heavy duty case
16. Geomate Jnr
17. Notebook
18. Spare socks
19. Plasters
20. Nettle cream

1 comment:

  1. my God!! I just take my handbag and personal Geocacher stickers lol. Although being a handbag I do have various creams and plasters, as well as lots of usless junk lol. I should really get a bag like this set up. we are often getting caught out by stingers!
